Our early adopters
Our early adopters were outcome evaluation pioneers who helped us shape our approach and tested the first version of our software OutNav. Their feedback has been essential in us developing a great product and service.
We worked with the Thistle Foundation who were ambitious in mapping all of their organisation activities to outcomes. This helped them to think through what data, feedback an evidence they needed to support their learning organisation culture. They are using OutNav to monitor their training programme, and to understand how they influence the wider context in promoting personal outcomes as a way of working.
We are a learning partner for Health Technology Wales, a new organisation supporting the NHS in Wales. We helped them map their key strategies to the outcomes they and their funders care about. We are working together to understand the impact of their work, using OutNav to track their communications strategy and their evidence appraisal work.
Future Pathways offers help and support to people who were abused or neglected as children while living in care in Scotland and is taking a personal outcomes approach. They knew that demonstrating effectiveness was essential to the people who use their services, and to funders and collaborators. We have been working alongside them to understand and use outcomes to drive change, and to use OutNav to track their progress.
Starcatchers is Scotland’s national arts and early years organisation with multiple programmes and funders asking for information on different outcomes. We have been working with them to map different streams of work to outcomes, to help them embed outcome evaluation in their day to day work, and to evaluate an innovative programme of work with kinship carers and their children.
We supported HealthCare Improvement Scotland to streamline their approach to understanding outcomes, and the Focus on Dementia team are using OutNav to help monitor the success of their improvement programme with staff and carers.
We worked with a diverse team from Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership committed to finding a more meaningful way to report on the difference that services are making to people. They are using OutNav to evaluate the difference that their House of Care programme is making, as well as using the software to report on progress for the Edinburgh Long Term Conditions Service.
Thank you OutNav Community!

It was always a priority for us to establish a strong community of users around our approach and we’re really pleased with how this is growing and developing. We’re hugely grateful to everyone that has shared their learning with the Community – nothing beats the chance to learn from others who have been there before!
Find out about more of our clients and the pioneering work they are doing.
Read: Who is using our approach