We developed our approach and supporting software OutNav to help people understand and evidence the difference they make in the world, including the wider benefits of research projects, programmes and initiatives.

Our approach has been used in independent research impact studies of initiatives and projects around the world. We have many clients using our approach and OutNav to track the impact of their research.

Here are four key ways in which our approach and OutNav will help you to track your research impact:

1. Understand, plan and set out your pathway to impact

How your research or evidence-to-action initiative makes a difference can be planned and clearly articulated as pathway to impact, using our outcome and impact mapping approach. This will help you think beyond what you are doing and who is engaged, towards what difference it makes. You can read more about this process here in our post What is outcome mapping.

2. Gather and assemble your feedback, data and evidence

Your pathway to impact becomes the foundation for gathering evidence and telling your impact story.

Through a process of data audit, we support you to think about the data, feedback and evidence you have, and where it can be enhanced and improved to tell your impact story.

If you are fortunate to be doing this at the start of a project or programme it has the additional benefit of helping you learn as you go about what is most effective.

During or after a project it can show how good your current evidence is and help you plan how to improve where needed.

3. Improve your evidence and strengthen your impact story

OutNav gives a quick visual overview of where your data is weaker and stronger, helping you to focus on collecting additional evidence where it is most needed. Once you can see clearly where data needs to be improved you can seek additional sources.

Your pathway to impact helps to frame the questions you need to ask to strengthen your impact case. It helps think about who you want to target for further feedback, and what you need to know.

4. Create and share impact reports at the touch of a button

OutNav enables you to create and share impact reports simply and effectively – pulling out your impact story for funders, stakeholders or other reporting requirements (like REF impact case studies).

If this sounds interesting, there are several ways you can find out more

* Watch my recorded live webinar: Navigating the challenges of assessing research impact.

*Register for one of our live demos to find out: Can OutNav help?

*Get in touch to request a call. We will send you my calendly link so you can find a time that suits you.

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